Terms and Conditions



Bodega Benegas S.A. is committed to respecting and protecting the privacy of any User who visits the Website. Any User’s data or personal information collected by the Website during normal operation will be used for control and further development of the Web Page, in compliance with Act No. 25326. When the User enters and operates with the Web page, data such as name, ID number, e-mail address, or telephone number may be stored for the purpose of responding to the User’s requirements.

The User may request that said information be provided to them or removed from the database at their request. For such purpose, the User will have to contact Bodega Benegas S.A., Aráoz 1600, Mayor Drummond, Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina.

Notwithstanding the above, in order to dispel any doubt, it is expressly agreed that the User’s logging into the Website implies that the User has given their free, express and informed consent for Bodega Benegas S.A. to collect, store and dispose of their personal data. For all purposes, the User declares to know and accept the provisions of Section 6 of Act No. 25326..

Access to and use of this Website are subject to the following Terms and Conditions and to all applicable laws. It is expressly forbidden to distribute, modify, transmit or review the contents of this Website without Bodega Benegas S.A.’s written consent.

Bodega Benegas S.A. makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy or completeness of the content of this Website or the content of any site(s) “hot-linked” to this Website. Neither Bodega Benegas S.A. nor any of its affiliates will be responsible for direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising from the access to/use of any content of this Website or any site(s) “hot-linked” to this Website.

Except for any personally identifiable information of the User that Bodega Benegas S.A. may obtain with their consent according to the rules established in this Privacy Policy, any communication or material that the User may send to Bodega Benegas S.A. over the Internet will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary. Upon sending or transmitting any communication or material to this Website, the User is accepting that Bodega Benegas S.A. or any of its affiliates can use their communication for any purpose, including reproduction, transmission, publication, issuance and dispatch. Furthermore, the User will refrain from sending or transmitting any unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic or profane material or any material that may constitute or encourage a behavior which may be deemed as a criminal offense or which may violate any law in force. The User must be aware of the fact that any personally identifiable information that they may send or transmit will be treated pursuant to this Privacy Policy.

Every name, logotype and trademark appearing on this Website, except as indicated otherwise, are registered trademarks belonging to or used under license by Bodega Benegas S.A. or its affiliates in the territories where Bodega Benegas S.A. commercializes products under such registered marks. The use or misuse of these registered trademarks or of any other content of this Website, except as it has been set down in these terms and conditions or in the Website’s content, is strictly forbidden.

Bodega Benegas S.A. is committed to keeping your personal information safe. We rely on proper technical, administrative and physical procedures to protect your personal information from loss, misuse or alterations.

Access to any personal information collected is restricted to individuals who may require such information due to the commercial nature of their activities within BODEGA BENEGAS. We will only keep your personal information for a reasonably necessary period of time.

Should we provide your personal information to our outsourcers, we request that they protect the information and use it for no other purposes.

When we collect or transmit sensitive information, we use the standard methods for protection of such information.

Bodega Benegas S.A. does not automatically store any information that may identify the User. However, access to some of the services offered by the Website may require entering certain personal data such as e-mail address, name, surname, full address, ID number or other optional data such as telephone number or any other information to individualize the User.

Bodega Benegas S.A. collects personal data when: a) the User submits inquiries or comments, b) the User requests information regarding products or other services, c) the User supplies their personal data to purchase products offered in the Website, only in case this service is offered through the web page.

According to the legislation in force, every time the User provides personal data, the User declares this information is personal and true.

The provision by the User of their personal data is voluntary. However, its provision will facilitate the use of the services offered by the Website. It is obligatory when making a purchase. By providing their personal information, the User accepts and gives their free, express and informed consent for said personal information to be used for the purposes mentioned above, and for it to be processed, stored, compiled or transferred. The user also accepts and freely and expressly consents, in full agreement, to the Terms of this Privacy Policy.

Bodega Benegas S.A. warrants that the personal information provided by the User will be protected by means of the same security policies that Bodega Benegas S.A. uses to protect its own information, for an indefinite period of time, so as to preserve the security, integrity and confidentiality of data considered personal, and that said data will only be handled by personnel authorized by Bodega Benegas S.A. It is for this reason that we notify the User of these privacy practices and explain how their personal information is collected and used.

The User may request the rectification or deletion of their personal information, or oppose to the way their information is processed by notifying the operator of the database at info@bodegabenegas.com, free of charge.

Bodega Benegas S.A. does not share Users’ personal information with third parties.

Bodega Benegas S.A. may or may not use cookies and, in case they are used, accessing information by means of cookies enables us to offer the User a personalized service, as cookies not only store personal data but also logging-in periodicity and web pages visited, thus reflecting the User’s habits and preferences.

The User has the possibility of setting up their computer to be warned on the screen about the reception of cookies and to prevent the installation of cookies in their hard disk.

The User will be responsible for the veracity of the data provided, and Bodega Benegas S.A. reserves the right to exclude any User who has provided false data, without prejudice to any legal action it may want to later undertake.

Bodega Benegas S.A. reserves the right to provide personal data supplied when so requested by legal authorities or when there are reasons related to public security, national defense or public health.

The Terms and Conditions and this Privacy Policy will be governed by and construed according to Argentine legislation. The holder of the domain and the User, with express waiver to any other jurisdiction they may be entitled to, submit to the Jurisdiction of the Ordinary Courts of the City of Buenos Aires upon any matter arising from or actions brought with relation to the provision of the Website service, its services or contents, or the interpretation, application, fulfillment or breach of the provisions herein.

Bodega Benegas S.A., located at Aráoz 1600, Mayor Drummond, Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina, is responsible for this Website.

Drink responsibly. Sale prohibited to people under 18.


The following Terms and Conditions govern the use of the website called www.benegaswinery.com (hereinafter the “Website”), where BODEGA BENEGAS provides general information about who we are, our Winerie, our vineyards, the winery in the world, our figures, evolution, press and wine information around the world.

Please, read these Terms and Conditions carefully because the use of the Website by You (hereinafter, the “User”) implies the complete acceptance of each and every one of its terms and conditions. Therefore, the User agrees to comply with all the provisions in these General Conditions, under applicable laws, bylaws, rules and regulations related to the use of the Website. The owner of the Website reserves the right to revise these General Conditions at any time, by updating or changing this page. If the User does not agree with these Terms and Conditions, they should refrain from entering or using this Website.

In certain countries, users are not allowed to visit a Website like ours due to the existence of local laws restricting the promotion and/or sale of alcoholic beverages. If you are visiting us from a country with such restrictions, please leave the Website immediately. If you are not sure about the applicable legislation in force in the country from which you are accessing our website, we recommend that you leave it now and get informed about your legal situation before you continue.


In order to access BODEGA BENEGAS’s website, you must have reached the legal age for alcohol consumption in the country from which you are accessing our website. If that is not your case, please leave this website immediately.
Pursuant to Section 6, Subsection A of Act No. 24788 (National Act Against Alcoholism), access to the Website by people under 18 is expressly forbidden. Parents or legal representatives of minor children are advised to control and monitor the minors’ access to websites in order to prevent their accessing content or information which could be detrimental to their proper development.

In order to access the Website of BODEGA BENEGAS, the user is required to declare – in an affidavit – if they are over 18 years of age or over the legal age for alcohol consumption in the country from which they are accessing the Website.
Upon the actual technological impossibility to control the age of users who access BODEGA BENEGAS’s website, any breach or falseness of the information entered by a person under 18 years of age or under the legal drinking age in their country, will be the sole responsibility of the User and/or their parents and/or their legal representatives, curators or guardians.


1.1. Access to and Use of the Website. The User’s prior subscription or registration is not required in order to access and use the Website. Without detriment to this, in case the use of certain services offered on the Website requires the User’s subscription or registration, the User will be duly warned, and continuance with the service offered by the Website will be under the User’s own responsibility.

1.2. Use of the Website. User undertakes to use the Website in accordance with the law, these General Conditions, the Special Conditions, if there were any, as well as with morals, good habits and public order.
Any kind of reproduction, distribution, exhibition, transmission, broadcasting, storage, digitalization, making available to third parties, translation, adjustment, or any other action through which the User may use any of the Website’s contents, either directly or indirectly, totally or partially, is forbidden.

The User undertakes to refrain from using the Website for purposes which are unlawful, contrary to the provisions of the General Conditions, detrimental to the rights and interests of third parties, or which may in any way damage, disable, overload or deteriorate the Website or prevent its normal operation by the Users.
The User will be liable for any kind of damage that BODEGA BENEGAS may suffer, either directly or indirectly, as a consequence of the breach of any obligations derived from these Terms and Conditions, the terms and conditions of any specific service included in the Website, or of the applicable legislation concerning the use of the Website.

1.3. Use of the Website’s Content. BODEGA BENEGAS authorizes the viewing of and the interact with the content of the Website, solely for personal, non-commercial use. The contents of this Website, such as text, graphics, images, logotypes, button icons, software, patents, music, databases and any other material, hereinafter “The Contents,” are protected by industrial and intellectual property legislation (copyright and/or registered trademarks). All Content is the exclusive property of BODEGA BENEGAS or of third parties whose rights have been licensed or assigned to BODEGA BENEGAS, and/or of any of their affiliates, their content suppliers or their clients.

The User may not sell or modify the Content nor reproduce it, display it, represent it in public, distribute it, or use it for commercial or broadcasting purposes. The use of the Content in any other website is prohibited.

The photographs and images of the products shown on our Website are only illustrative and are not necessarily the exact representation of the product.

1.4. Website’s Security Rules. Users are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate the security of the Website, including but not limited to: a) accessing information which is not addressed to such User, or entering a server or account the User has unauthorized access to, b) evaluating or testing the vulnerability of a system or network, or violating the security or identification measures, without proper authorization, c) attempting to hamper the service to any User, host or network, including but not limited to (by sending viruses to the Website or by saturation) mass mailings (spamming), mail bombing or system crashing. d) sending unsolicited e-mail, including promotions and/or advertising of products or services.
Violations of system or network security may result in civil or criminal prosecution. BODEGA BENEGAS will investigate cases in which such violations may have occurred and may address to and cooperate with the competent authority to pursue users involved in such violations.

1.5. Prohibited Uses. BODEGA BENEGAS specifically prohibits any use of the Website, and all Users agree not to use the Website, for the following: *Using any mechanism, software or routine to hamper or attempt to hamper the proper operation of the Website, or any activity being carried out in the Website.
*Performing any action that imposes an unreasonable load on the infrastructure of this Website
*If the user has a password which enables them to access a nonpublic area of this Website, revealing or sharing such password with third parties or using the password for any unauthorized purpose.
*Unless otherwise specified in these General Conditions, using, or attempting to use any machine, software, tool, agent or any other mechanism or ruse to browse or search in this Website which is different from the machines or browsing search agents made available by BODEGA BENEGAS in this Website and different from web explorers generally available.
*Attempting to decode, decompile or obtain the source code of any software program comprising or constituting a part of this Website.
BODEGA BENEGAS reserves the right to unsubscribe any registered User who does not comply with the standards defined by these General Conditions or by the policies in force at BODEGA BENEGAS, which will not imply a right to any compensation.
Likewise, BODEGA BENEGAS reserves the right to suspend or unsubscribe from BODEGA BENEGAS’s system any User who fails to comply with these General Conditions or incurs, at the discretion of BODEGA BENEGAS, in malicious or fraudulent actions when using the Website or the Services offered by BODEGA BENEGAS.
The User agrees that BODEGA BENEGAS may suspend and/or permanently cancel the User’s access to the Website at any time without previous notice, and this will not imply any liability on the part of BODEGA BENEGAS.
Grounds for suspension/exclusion include, but are not limited to, the following:
1) User’s breach or violation of the terms and conditions of use of the Website
2) requirements by legal or governmental authorities
3) User’s request for termination of account
4) Technical issues or IT security issues
5) Extended periods of inactivity
6) User causing a technical outage of the Website
The User agrees to all the grounds for termination set forth above and/or to any other that BODEGA BENEGAS may invoke hereafter to its sole discretion.

1.6. Liability. BODEGA BENEGAS will neither guarantee nor assume liability for damages resulting from access to the Website by third parties through connections, links, hyperlinks or similar links, either from this Website or from any of the Internet sites which are the property of Bodega Benegas S.A. and/or linked sites; or for links to other sites that the User may establish from the Website.
Neither will BODEGA BENEGAS be liable for damages resulting from the presence of viruses or other harmful elements in the contents of the Website which could cause alterations in computer systems, or in the documents or systems stored therein.
The User voluntarily accepts that the use of the Website, its services and Contents, takes place under the User’s exclusive responsibility.


In case the Website requests the User’s registration, the User shall be required to provide BODEGA BENEGAS with certain information including, without limitation, Name, ID number, telephone number, valid e-mail address (which we refer to as “the Information”). In addition to the terms and conditions that may be established hereafter by any privacy policy of this Website.

BODEGA BENEGAS will not reveal the User’s name, e-mail addresses or telephone number to third parties without the User’s previous consent, except to the extent it is necessary for the compliance with legislation or legal procedures in force where such information is relevant.

All personal information provided to us by the User will be used as provided for in the Privacy Policy Section.


The Website contains links to websites (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) the information, photographs and/or videos of which are provided by BODEGA BENEGAS. The links supplied by BODEGA BENEGAS are only for the sake of the User’s convenience. BODEGA BENEGAS is only liable for the images, texts and/or photographs uploaded on its official and related websites, but it is not liable for the rest of the material and/or content of websites owned by third parties which could be linked to BODEGA BENEGAS’s website. If the User wishes to access a website, they do so at their own risk and under their own responsibility.
BODEGA BENEGAS will adopt appropriate, timely measures or procedures to remove or disable any links about which BODEGA BENEGAS effectively knows the following: the activity or information which they recommend or lead to is unlawful or harms the rights or property of third parties entitled to compensation.


The User agrees to defend, compensate and hold BODEGA BENEGAS, its affiliates, directors, employees and representatives, harmless from and against any charges, actions or claims, including, but not limited to, reasonable legal fees resulting from the User’s use of the Website, its Content and Services, or of the User’s breach of these General Conditions or the Special Conditions, in case there were any.

BODEGA BENEGAS will immediately notify the User about any claim, legal action or proceedings, and will assist them, at the User’s expense, in their defense against any claim, legal action or proceedings of this kind.


5.1. The Terms and Conditions of the Website will be governed by and construed according to the laws of the Argentine Republic. The User and BODEGA BENEGAS agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the ordinary courts of the City of Buenos Aires, excluding any other venue or jurisdiction they may be entitled to, in case of any disputes arising from the use of the Website

5.2. The Website service has, in principle, an indefinite duration. However, BODEGA BENEGAS is authorized to terminate or suspend provision of the Website service and/or of any Content or Service at any time, without prejudice to any provisions in this respect in the Special Conditions, if any. When reasonably possible, BODEGA BENEGAS will previously notify the termination or suspension of the Website service and of other services, if any.

5.3. The User knows that the use of the Website and its services or contents is forbidden in all those jurisdictions that do not recognize the effectiveness of these Terms and Conditions.

5.4. The copying, pasting and/or modification of these Terms and Conditions and/or the information, images and/or contents of this Website is absolutely forbidden.
Bodega Benegas S.A., located at Aráoz 1600, Mayor Drummond, Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina, is responsible for this Website. The opinions and/or the content appearing in the Website expressed or generated by third parties are the exclusive responsibility of their authors and are not necessarily endorsed by BODEGA BENEGAS.
Drink responsibly. Sale prohibited to people under 18.